Our leaders seek to encourage parents, to involve them with discipling their sons
Relationship building activity is a main ingredient in Brigade Achievement |
This is a letter sent by one of our Regional Directors to a local Brigade Leader to encourage him as he seeks to challenge, encourage, and equip the parents in his local church.
Dear Chris,
appreciate that you are encouraging parents to support their sons and
to give them encouragement from home. I know what you are dealing with,
it’s never an easy road but the parents are key.
see this now with my grandson, a fourth grader. He’s making progress in
his achievement mainly because I take some time most weeks to go over
some part of the requirements, a step each week. As long as he sees I’m
interested in working with him, he cooperates. I doubt if any of it
would be done on his own.
Arden Musselman is CSB Regional Director for the Delaware Valley and Capital Regions |
yet that’s the point. We are discipling the boy. This requires a
person, not a system, willing to help make those disciples. And parents
need to be affirmed in their God given role of discipling their
children. Brigade is there to help in this vital task. We’ve been
telling people that the Brigade achievement program is not about
patches, it is a time tested map for discipleship.
had the immense privilege just today of doing Exploring God’s Word in
Blockhouse Two with my grandson. Did he want to do it right then? No,
but once I showed him with