"I want to be a part of the great things God is doing" |
We are excited to introduce our newest intern, Bobby Seetaram.
As you will see from the following interview, Bobby is a passionate
addition to our team.
Brigade Connection: Bobby, thank you for taking time to chat with us. Tell us a little bit about yourself
I'm from Rutherford, NJ and am a Senior at Liberty University. My
intended major is Family and Child Development with a minor in
Psychology. I expect to graduate this December.
Brigade Connection: What's your experience with CSB?
Growing up in Stockade and Battalion played an essential role in my
growth towards manhood. When I was in high school I also spent three
summers at CSB's Northern Frontier Camp in the New York Adirondack
Mountains as a Kitchen Assistant, Lifeguard, and Camp Counselor.
Brigade Connection: Why you are interested in being a CSB intern?
There are a few things that caught my attention. First was the ability
to better understand the role that Christian community based programs
can have on the growth of young men and boys. Second, I am really
excited to work with a well respected and close friend of mine Ron Rynd,
the Northeast Regional Director for CSB. Finally, I believe that
Christian Service Brigade is playing an essential role in completing the
Great Commission; CSB is changing lives for Christ and I want to be a
part of the great things God is doing in and through this ministry.
Brigade Connection: What are your interests long term?
Last summer I had a chance to go to Nepal on a Missions Trip and it
really inspired to minister to children. In the future I want to be a
Social Worker for the State of New Jersey focusing on the foster care
system. I see CSB as a great stepping stone to learn, grow, and to serve
the Lord in this important area.